Mesaj Sayısı : 310 Puan : 709 Kayıt Tarihi : 21/04/10 Cinsiyet :
| Konu: Arama motorları html kodları Salı Mayıs 04, 2010 2:05 pm | |
| Google arama motoru - Kod:
<p><form method="get" action="http://www.google.com/search"> <input type="text" name="q" size="30" maxlength="230" value=""</BR> <input type="submit" value="ARA"</BR> <input type="radio" name="sitesearch" value=""</BR> GOOGLE <input type="radio" name="sitesearch" value="alnumel.com" checked />SITE</br> </form></p></center> Msn arama motoru - Kod:
<!-- Web search from MSN --><form method="get" action="http://search.msn.com.tr/results.aspx"><input type="hidden" name="cp" value="CODE PAGE USED BY YOUR HTML PAGE"/><input type="hidden" name="FORM" value="FREEWS"/><table bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><tr><td><a href="http://search.msn.com.tr/"><img src="http://search.msn.com.tr/s/affillogo.gif" border="0" alt="MSN Search"/></a></td><td><input type="text" name="q" size="30"/><input type="submit" value="Web'de Ara"/> </td> </tr> </table></form> <!-- Web search from MSN --> Bir çok sitede arama yapan motor html kod - Kod:
<!--- Arama Motoru Başlangıcı ---> <form action="http://www.gezginler.net/arama/search.php" method="post" target="_blank"> <input type="text" name="kelime" size="15" onblur="if (this.value == '') this.value = 'Arama yapın!'" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Arama yapın!') this.value=''" style="background-color: #ffffff;font-size: 11px;color: #000000; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;" value="Arama yapın!"> <select name="motor" style="background-color: #ffffff;font-size: 11px;color: #000000; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center"> <option selected value="Google">Google</option> <option value="Gezginler">Gezginler</option> <option value="Netbul">Netbul</option> <option value="Arama">Arama</option> <option value="Yahoo">Yahoo!</option> <option value="Msn">Msn</option> <option value="Alexa">Alexa</option> <option value="Meta">Çoklu</option> <option value="Kuran">Kuran</option> <option value="Ftp">Ftp</option> <option value="Eksisozluk">Ek$isözlük</option> <option value="Turkce">Türkçe</option> <option value="Webceviri">Site Çeviri</option> <option value="Ansiklopedi">Ansiklopedi</option> <option value="Domain">Domain</option> <option value="Program">Program</option> <option value="Driver">Sürücü</option> <option value="Resim">Resim</option> <option value="Film">Film</option> <option value="script">script</option> </select> <input type="Submit" value="Ara!" style="background-color: #ffffff;font-size: 11px;color: #000000"> </form> <!--- Arama Motoru Bitişi ---> Googlede resim arama motoru - Kod:
<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> function ara_gra(){ window.open("http://www.google.com/images?q="+document.deniz.ali.value); }
</script> <form name="deniz"> <input type="text" name="ali" value=""> <input type="submit" value=" --->Grafik Ara<---" onClick="ara_gra()"> </form>
Sayfa içi arama motoru html kodu - Kod:
<script type="text/javascript"> /* This script and many more are available free online at The Javascript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com Created by: Robin Winslow | http://www.robinwinslow.me.uk */ // Find and select all text in the document that matches the "value" of the element passed // If no element if passed, it will attempt to use the value of "this" // Only works in a browser that supports the "window.getSelection" method, as other selection methods don't support multiple selectionsz function performMultiSearch(elem,searchElem) { // set up variables var searchString; // Will hold the text to search for var theSelection; // Will hold the document's selection object var textNodes; // Will hold all the text nodes in the document
// Set it to search the entire document if we haven't been given an element to search if(!searchElem || typeof(searchElem) == 'undefined') searchElem = document.body;
// Get the string to search for if(elem && elem.value) searchString = elem.value; else if(this && this.value) searchString = this.value;
// Get all the text nodes in the document textNodes = findTypeNodes(searchElem,3);
// Get the selection object if(window.getSelection) theSelection = window.getSelection(); // firefox else { // some other browser - doesn't support multiple selections at once alert("sorry this searching method isn't supported by your browser"); return; }
// Empty the selection theSelection.removeAllRanges(); // We want to empty the selection regardless of whether we're selecting anything
if(searchString.length > 0) { // make sure the string isn't empty, or it'll crash. // Search all text nodes for(var i = 0; i < textNodes.length; i++) { // Create a regular expression object to do the searching var reSearch = new RegExp(searchString,'gmi'); // Set it to 'g' - global (finds all instances), 'm' - multiline (searches more than one line), 'i' - case insensitive var stringToSearch = textNodes[i].textContent; while(reSearch(stringToSearch)) { // While there are occurrences of the searchString // Add the new selection range var thisRange = document.createRange(); thisRange.setStart(textNodes[i],reSearch.lastIndex - searchString.length); // Start node and index of the selection range thisRange.setEnd(textNodes[i],reSearch.lastIndex); // End node and index of the selection theSelection.addRange(thisRange); // Add the node to the document's current selection } } }
return; }
// Will find and select the first instance of the value of the passed element, then when called again will moves on to the next instance // If no element passed it will try to get the value from "this" function performSingleSearch(elem,searchElem) { // set up variables var searchString; // Will hold the text to search for var theSelection; // Will hold the document's selection object var textNodes; // Will hold all the text nodes in the document
// Set it to search the entire document if we haven't been given an element to search if(!searchElem || typeof(searchElem) == 'undefined') searchElem = document.body;
// Get the string to search for if(elem && elem.value) searchString = elem.value; else if(this && this.value) searchString = this.value;
if(searchString && searchString.length > 0) { // make sure the string isn't empty, or it'll crash. if(window.getSelection) { // Firefox // Get the selection theSelection = window.getSelection();
// Get all the text nodes in the document textNodes = findTypeNodes(searchElem,3);
// If there's already a selection, and it's the string we're searching for var searchMatch = new RegExp(searchString,'i'); if(theSelection.rangeCount == 1 && searchMatch(theSelection.getRangeAt(0).toString())) { var currentRange = theSelection.getRangeAt(0); theSelection.removeAllRanges(); // Move on to the next occurrence of it by iterating through text nodes...: for(var i = 0; i < textNodes.length; i++) { // If this text node is before the currentRange, ignore it and carry on to the next one if(currentRange.comparePoint(textNodes[i],0) == -1 && currentRange.startContainer != textNodes[i]) continue; // If this text node is the same as the currentRange, find the point in the currentRange else if((currentRange.comparePoint(textNodes[i],0) == -1 && currentRange.startContainer == textNodes[i]) || (currentRange.comparePoint(textNodes[i],0) == 0)) { // Create a regular expression object to do the searching var reSearch = new RegExp(searchString,'gmi'); // Set it to 'g' - global (finds all instances), 'm' - multiline (searches more than one line), 'i' - case insensitive var stringToSearch = textNodes[i].textContent; var newRange = null; while(reSearch(stringToSearch)) { // While there are occurrences of the searchString // Test if the index is after the currentRange's position if(reSearch.lastIndex - searchString.length > currentRange.startOffset) { // This is the new search position - empty the old selection and add the new selection range theSelection.removeAllRanges(); newRange = document.createRange(); newRange.setStart(textNodes[i],reSearch.lastIndex - searchString.length); // Start node and index of the selection range newRange.setEnd(textNodes[i],reSearch.lastIndex); // End node and index of the selection theSelection.addRange(newRange); // Add the node to the document's current selection break; // We're not interested in the other results, so break out of this while loop. } } if(newRange) break; // If we found a new range, break out of this for loop, cos there's nothing more to do. else continue; // Otherwise continue } // If this text node is after the current one, search to see if it has any occurrences of the searchString else if(currentRange.comparePoint(textNodes[i],0) == 1) { // Create a regular expression object to do the searching var reSearch = new RegExp(searchString,'gmi'); // Set it to 'g' - global (finds all instances), 'm' - multiline (searches more than one line), 'i' - case insensitive var stringToSearch = textNodes[i].textContent; // If we had a find, use it if(reSearch(stringToSearch)) { // This is the new search position - empty the old selection and add the new selection range theSelection.removeAllRanges(); newRange = document.createRange(); newRange.setStart(textNodes[i],reSearch.lastIndex - searchString.length); // Start node and index of the selection range newRange.setEnd(textNodes[i],reSearch.lastIndex); // End node and index of the selection theSelection.addRange(newRange); // Add the node to the document's current selection break; // We're not interested in the other results, so break out of this while loop. } else continue; } } }
// If we don't already have a selection, just find the first instance else { // Search all text nodes for(var i = 0; i < textNodes.length; i++) { // Create a regular expression object to do the searching var reSearch = new RegExp(searchString,'gmi'); // Set it to 'g' - global (finds all instances), 'm' - multiline (searches more than one line), 'i' - case insensitive var stringToSearch = textNodes[i].textContent; if(reSearch(stringToSearch)) { // If there are occurrences of the searchString // This is the new search position - empty the old selection and add the new selection range theSelection.removeAllRanges(); // Add the new selection range var thisRange = document.createRange(); thisRange.setStart(textNodes[i],reSearch.lastIndex - searchString.length); // Start node and index of the selection range thisRange.setEnd(textNodes[i],reSearch.lastIndex); // End node and index of the selection theSelection.addRange(thisRange); // Add the node to the document's current selection break; // We're done } } } } else if(document.selection) { // Internet Explorer theSelection = document.selection; var currentRange = theSelection.createRange(); // Empty the current selection theSelection.empty(); if(currentRange && currentRange.text && currentRange.text.match(eval('/'+searchString+'/i'))) { // Move start position of range past this word currentRange.moveStart('word'); // Move end position to end of document currentRange.moveEnd('textEdit'); // Search again if(currentRange.findText(searchString)) { // Select currentRange.select(); return true; } return false; } else { // Get a new range var searchRange = document.body.createTextRange(); // Make it encompass the whole document searchRange.expand('textedit'); // Find the first occurrence of the searchString if(searchRange.findText(searchString)) { // Select searchRange.select(); return true; } else { return false; } } } else alert("Sorry your browser doesn't support a supported selection object"); } }
// Recursively find all text nodes within an element function findTypeNodes(elem,type) { // Remove superfluous text nodes and merge adjacent text nodes elem.normalize();
var typeNodes = new Array(); // Search all children of this element to see which ones are the right type of node for(var nodeI = 0; nodeI < elem.childNodes.length; nodeI++) { if(elem.childNodes[nodeI].nodeType == type) typeNodes.push(elem.childNodes[nodeI]); // If it is a the right type of node, add it to the array else { // If not a the right type of node, search it in turn typeNodes = typeNodes.concat(findTypeNodes(elem.childNodes[nodeI],type)); } } return typeNodes; // return the array }
// Multiple onload function created by: Simon Willison // http://simon.incutio.com/archive/2004/05/26/addLoadEvent function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { if (oldonload) { oldonload(); } func(); } } }
addLoadEvent(function() { // Create a button var theInput = document.getElementById('searchInput'); var theButton = document.getElementById('performSearch'); var elementToSearch = document.body; // Use getElementById('yourIDName') to only allow search for a specific id. theButton.onclick = function() { // Set the onclick function performSingleSearch(theInput,elementToSearch); } }); </script>
<fieldset style="width: 240px;"> <legend>Search the page</legend> <input type="text" id="searchInput"><button id="performSearch">search</button> </fieldset> kodlar denenmiştir | |